You might be experiencing issues with unwanted spam messages in chat and may be seeking a way to block specific customers who are repeatedly using the chat for spam purposes.
To block specific customers who repeatedly use the chat for spam purposes, follow these steps:
- Blocklist the Email Address or Domain of the Sender
- Restrict the Messenger Display on the Help Center
By blocklisting the domains, users from those domains will be prevented from registering, which means they won't be able to access the chat. By restricting the chat to log-in users, spammers will be unable to register and access the chat.
Blocklisting the email address or domain of the sender and restricting the messenger display on the Help Center are effective ways to prevent specific customers from using the chat for spam purposes. This solution prevents users from those domains from registering and accessing the chat, effectively addressing the spam issue.
Does blocklisting only work for emails?
No, blocklisting also works for chats. Users from blocklisted domains will be prevented from registering and accessing the chat.