If you have created a trigger that should assign new conversations to yourself, a specific agent, or to the agent who has replied but the trigger is not working, there could be certain conditions missing when the rule was set up.
- Sign in to your Kayako agent area
- Navigate to the admin area, by choosing the gear button in the left navigation pane
or selecting direct link https://yourcompanyname.kayako.com/admin
- In the sidebar, under Automation section click Triggers to see the list of triggers that have been created in your Kayako.
- Select the trigger that needs to be fixed and click Edit button
- Check the actions and make sure the trigger is assigned to a team first.
- Specify the required conditions like:
- Update type:
- Specify the user roles to avoid cases where ticket gets unassigned when a customer response is received:
- If you do not want cases to be reassigned from one agent to another, you can add the following condition to action only unassigned conversations:
- Update type:
- Specify the actions - you can select the option Assignee > Change > Current User, which will assign the case to the last agent which sent an update on the case.
- Click Save
Related Links
Creating Automations with Triggers and Monitors