When creating a new category, section or article, you might come across one of the following errors in the Help Center:
“Title for your main language cannot be empty.”
“Title or content for your main language cannot be empty.”
This indicates that you have not set a proper Title for your default language for the new category.
Root Cause
You must fill the title and content in the main language and in the secondary languages in order to save.
- Go to your Help Center and add a new category, section or article.
- Type a title and a content, and save the category, section or article.
- One of the following errors is displayed: “Title for your main language cannot be empty.” or “Title or content for your main language cannot be empty.”
- Change the language in the editor to your main Kayako language.
- Add a Title and Content in that language, and Save.
- Now edit the category, section or article, change the language to any secondary language and add the translated version of the category, section or article.
The following error may be displayed regarding the title:
“Titles: The value of the field is invalid.”
This means there is an invalid character or HTML code in the title. Manually type the titles of the category, section or articles that you create. Avoid using the paste functionality on the titles as this inserts HTML or invalid text in the title box.