Kayako's Help Center Template Placeholders allow you to customize your Kayako Help Center. Kayako has the following templates that can be customized with Help Center Placeholders, the Master template, Home, Category, Section, Article, Login, Signup, Profile, conversation new, conversation view, conversation list, and Search pages. Also, you can define your own CSS that will override Kayako's CSS.
Template Placeholder variables:
[user].id | String | The Kayako ID for the user |
[user].name | String | The user's full name |
[user].first_name | String | The user's first name (Kayako will try to pick this out by taking the first word from the user's full name) |
[user].last_name | String | The user's last name (Kayako will try to pick this out by taking the last word from the user's full name) |
[user].email | String | The user's primary email identity |
[user].twitter | String | The user's primary Twitter identity |
[user].facebook | String | The user's primary Facebook identity |
[user].phone | String | The user's primary phone identity |
[user].locale | String | The user's locale (e.g. en-US) |
[user].role | String | The user's role label, such as Agent |
[user].role_type | String | The user's role type such as "OWNER", "ADMIN", "AGENT", "CUSTOMER" |
[user].is_agent | Boolean | If user is an agent (OWNER or ADMIN or AGENT) |
[user].signature | String | The user's signature (only your agents will have signatures, though) |
[user].time_zone | String | The user's time zone |
[user].avatar | String |
The user's avatar url like Eg: https://brewfictus.kayako.com/avatar/get/13166193-f790-5839-86b5-8f0fb5ac074c?1462778997 |
[user].organization_case_access | String | The user's case/conversation access level as "conversationED" etc |
[user].organization.id | String | The user's organization id |
[user].organization.name | String | The user's organization name |
[user].organization.is_shared | Boolean | If user's organization is shared |
conversation.id | String | The Kayako ID of the conversation |
conversation.subject | String | The conversation subject |
conversation.channel_type | String | Channel represents the source from which conversation was originally created. Like MAIL, HELPCENTER, TWITTER, MESSENGER, FACEBOOK |
conversation.created_at | Timestamp | When the conversation was originally created |
conversation.updated_at | Timestamp | When the conversation was last updated |
conversation.conversationer | User object | The conversationer of the conversation. See User for more |
conversation.assignee | User object | The individual agent who is currently assigned to the conversation. If the field is visible to user |
conversation.team.id | String | The team id to which the conversation is assigned. If the field is visible to user |
conversation.team.title | String | The team name to which the conversation is assigned, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.priority.label | String | The priority label of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.priority.level | Integer | The priority level of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.type.type | String | The type of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.type.label | String | The label of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.status.label | String | The label of status of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.status.type | String | The state of the conversation, If the field is visible to user |
conversation.creator | User object | The user who created the conversation |
conversation.last_replier | User object | The last replier to the conversation. |
conversation.last_replied_at | Timestamp | When the conversation was last repied by any agent |
conversation.posts | Post objects |
Contains a collection of all of the postsin a conversation |
conversation.custom_fields | Field objects | conversation field objects |
conversation.custom_fields.[key_name].value | String | conversation field value |
field.id | String | The Kayako ID of the field |
field.uuid | String | Field unique uuid |
field.title | String | Field title |
field.description | String | Field description |
field.type | String | Field type like "TEXT", "SELECT" etc |
field.options | Field options object | Field option object |
field.is_required | Boolean | If field is required |
field.is_editable | Boolean | If field is editable |
field.is_system | Boolean | If field is system type |
field.regular_expression | String | If field has regular expression associated |
field.created_at |
Timestamp |
When field was created |
field.updated_at | Timestamp | When field was last modified |
Field option
option.id | String | The Kayako ID of the option |
option.uuid | String | Option unique uuid |
option.value | String | Option value |
option.tag | String | Option tag |
option.sort_order | Integer | Option sort order |
field.created_at |
Timestamp |
When option was created |
field.updated_at | Timestamp | When option was last modified |
conversation contains posts (such as emails and Tweets).
post.id | String | The Kayako ID of the post |
post.created_at | Timestamp | When the post was created |
post.channel_type | String | Channel represents the source from which conversation was originally created. Like MAIL, HELPCENTER, TWITTER, MESSENGER, FACEBOOK |
post.creator | User object | The author of the post. For example, to reference the name of the person who authored the post, use {post.creator.name}. See User for more |
post.contents_text | String | The plain text formatted version of the contents of the post |
post.contents_html | String | The rich text, HTML formatted version contents of the post. |
post.attachments | Attachment objects |
Contains a collection of Attachments In email templates, you can loop through all of the attachments in a post using template markup: {% for attachment in post.attachments %} |
post.attachment_download_all |
String | URL to download all attachments as .zip file |
post.participants | User object |
Contains a collection of participants |
post.type | String | Post type of object like tweet, message etc. |
category.id | String | The Kayako ID of the category |
category.title | String |
The title of category |
category.slug | String | The slug of category |
category.description | String | The description of category |
category.display_order |
Integer | The display order of category |
category.created_at |
Timestamp |
When category was created |
category.updated_at | Timestamp | When category was last modified |
section.id | String | The Kayako ID of the section |
section.title | String | The title of section |
section.slug | String | The slug of section |
section.description | String | The description of section |
section.visibility | String | The visibility of section like "AGENTS" etc |
section.category | Category object |
The category, section belongs to. |
section.creator |
User object | The agent who created the section |
section.article_order_by | String | The order of articles in this section like "LATEST", "POPULAR" |
section.total_articles | Integer | The total number of articles belongs to this section |
section.created_at |
Timestamp |
When section was created |
section.updated_at | Timestamp | When section was last modified |
article.id | String | The Kayako ID of the article |
article.title | String | The title of article |
article.slug | String | The slug of article |
article.contents | String | The contents of article |
article.keywords | String | The keywords of article |
article.section | Section object |
The section, article belongs to. |
article.creator |
User object | The agent who created the article |
article.author | User object | The agent who is author of article |
article.attachments | Attachment objects |
Contains a collection of Attachments
article.attachment_download_all |
String | URL to download article all attachments as .zip file |
article.status | String | The article status like "PUBLISHED", "DRAFT" |
article.upvote_count |
Integer | The article up vote(helpful) count |
article.downvote_count | Integer | The article down vote(not helpful) count |
article.views | Integer | The article views count |
article.rank | Integer | The article rank |
article.tags | Tag Objects |
{% for tag in article.tags %} <a href="{{attachment.url}}">Download {{attachment.name}}</a> |
article.is_featured |
Boolean | If article is featured |
article.allow_comments | Boolean | If commenting is enabled on article |
article.total_comments | Integer | The total number of comments on article |
article.created_at |
Timestamp |
When article was created |
article.published_at |
Timestamp |
When article was published |
article.updated_at | Timestamp | When article was last modified |
comment.id | String | The Kayako ID of the comment |
comment.contents | String |
The contents of comment |
comment.is_html | Boolean | If the contents is html type |
comment.status | String | The status of comment like "PUBLISHE", "SPAM" |
comment.user |
User object | The user who created comment |
comment.replies | Comment objects | The replies on comment |
comment.is_liked | Boolean | If logged-in user has liked the comment |
comment.like_count | Integer | The total likes on comment |
comment.created_at |
Timestamp |
When comment was created |
comment.updated_at | Timestamp | When comment was last modified |
Comment like
like.id | String | The Kayako ID of the like |
like.user | User object |
The user who liked comment |
like.created_at |
Timestamp |
When comment was liked |
Article vote
vote.id | String | The Kayako ID of the vote |
vote.type | String | The vote type like "HELPFUL", "NOT_HELPFUL" |
vote.user | User object |
The user who voted an article |
vote.created_at |
Timestamp |
When voted current article |
vote.updated_at | Timestamp | When vote was last modified |
conversation from
form.id | String | The Kayako ID of the form |
form.title | String | From title
form.description | String | From description |
form.fields |
conversation field objects | Form fields objects |
form.created_at |
Timestamp |
When form was created |
form.updated_at | Timestamp | When form was last modified |
Home page:
Following variables are available on home page
categories | Category objects | All categories for active brand |
categories.[category_id].sections | Section objects | All sections belongs to given category |
categories.[category_id].sections.[section_id].articles | Article objects | 5 articles belongs to given section |
categories.[category_id].popular_articles | Article objects | 5 popular articles belongs to given section |
tweets | Array | List of latest 3 tweet ids from helpcenter configured account |
open_conversations | conversation objects | 3 Latest un-resolved conversations |
open_conversations_count | Integer | Total un-resolved conversations count |
is_home | Boolean | If its home page, this variable can be use to show something if its in common area only when its non-home page |
Category page:
Following variables are available on category landing page (/category/category_id-slug)
category | Category object | Current category object active in url |
sections | Section objects | All sections belongs to current category |
sections.[section_id].articles | Article objects |
3 published articles from given section based on order set for section (Returns pinned/featured article at the top) |
ga_category_name | String | Category name used to send in Google Analytics as dimensions |
Section page:
Following variables are available on section page (/section/section_id-slug)
section | Section object | Current section object active in url |
articles | Article objects |
Paginated(default: 10) articles from given section based on order set for section (Returns pinned/featured article at the top) |
ga_category_name | String | Category name used to send in Google Analytics as dimensions |
ga_section_name | String | Section name used to send in Google Analytics as dimensions |
Article page:
Following variables are available on article page (/article/article_id-slug)
article | Article object | Current article object active in url |
comments | Comment objects | Section description in current active locale, if there is any comment |
related_articles | Article objects | Related articles objects |
user_vote | Vote object | Vote object, If user is logged in an has voted |
ga_category_name | String | Category name used to send in Google Analytics as dimensions |
ga_section_name | String | Section name used to send in Google Analytics as dimensions |
conversation form list page:
Following variables are available on conversation form list page (/conversation/new)
forms | Form object | conversation forms object |
conversation form landing page:
Following variables are available on conversation form landing page (/conversation/new/:id)
forms | Form object | conversation forms object |
fields | Field objects | Fields associated with forms |
conversation view page:
Following variables are available on conversation view page (/conversation/view/:id)
conversation | conversation object | Current conversation object |
conversation listing page:
Following variables are available on conversation list page (/conversations)
conversations | conversation objects | Paginated conversations list of logged in user |
conversations.open | conversation objects | Paginated un-resolved conversations list of logged in user |
conversations.closed | conversation objects | Paginated resolved conversations list of logged in user |
conversations.open_total_count | Integer | Total un-resolved cases of logged in user |
conversations.closed_total_count | Integer | Total resolved cases of logged in user |
organization_title | Sting | Logged in user's organization title |
Profile page:
Following variables are available on profile page (/profile/edit)
current_user | User object | Logged in user resource |
system_timezone | String | Kayako system timezone |
timezones | array |
List of timezones {% for timezone in timezones %} {{timezone.value}} -- {{timezone.text}} // Output: Pacific/Niue – (GMT-11:00) Niue {% endfor %} |
languages | array |
List of public locales on Help Center {% for locale,native_name in languages %} {{language.value}} -- {{language.text}} // Output: en-us – english {% endfor %} |
has_avatar | Boolean | If user has set avatar in his profile |
custom_fields | Field objects |
User custom fields objects
Search page:
Following variables are available on searc page (/search/all)
query | String | The search term |
articles | Article object | Paginated search result for articles |
conversations | conversation objects | Paginated search result for conversations |
conversations_total_count | Integer | Total search result found for conversations |
articles_total_count | Integer | Total search result found for articles |
results_total_count | Integer | Total search result found |