Tags in Kayako allow for tailoring the behavior of the product to your needs, offering flexibility in managing and customizing support workflows and automation. They can also be searched and used when generating a custom report.
In this article, we explore how to add tags to Users. Organizations, or Conversations, which is done in a virtually identical manner.
Tags can be manually added to Users, Organizations, and Conversations, or through the use of automations. The API also supports the addition of tags through various endpoints.
Manually adding tags in the Kayako dashboard
Adding Tags in the Kayako dashboard is as simple as follows:
- Log into the Kayako agent dashboard
- Open the User, Organization, or Conversation you want to update.
- On the right-hand panel, type the tag you want to add in the Tags field and select Add tag.
- If there's already a similar tag added to the system, it will auto-populate so you may select it.
- To add multiple tags, use the spacebar after you type each tag.
- If you are using multiple words on your tags, use the underscore ( _ ) symbol in between each word.
- Click Update properties to save the changes.
Adding tags with automations
Aside from adding tags manually as described above, it is also possible to add tags through the use of the Kayako automations. This is done by selecting the Conversation: Tags action when Creating Automations with Triggers and Monitors. Note that multiple Automation Conditions support the use of tags for Triggers, Monitors, Views, SLAs, and Reports.
Macros also support the addition of tags through the 'Add tags' action.
Adding tags with the Kayako API
Finally, the Kayako API supports adding tags as well through the following endpoints:
Please refer to Finding Documentation for the Kayako API for more information.
If a tag has been successfully added to an element, on top of it appearing under the Tags field for the conversation, user, or organization, you will be able to search for it using the 'tag' Search Modifier: