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Troubleshooting Guides
- Troubleshooting Incorrect Data in Custom Reports in Kayako
- Missing Emails Or New Emails Being Merged Into Existing Conversations
- Missing Posts in Merged Conversation
- Troubleshooting Logout Issues with Custom Domains in Kayako
- Fixing Duplicate Values in Form Fields
- Generating a HAR file for troubleshooting
Upgrading from Kayako Classic
Help Center
- Restoring Kayako Data Dump After License Expiration: Process and Costs
- Users Are Not Redirected to the Correct Link after Logging In to Kayako Help Center
- Checking Your Kayako Instance Default URL
- Maintaining Line Breaks and Spaces in Conversations Created Through the Help Center
- Changing the Status of an Article
- Disabling an Article Without Deleting It
Getting started
- Creating Triggers for New Chat Notifications
- Opening Chat Window with a Hyperlink
- Triggers are incorrectly sending notifications even for good ratings
- Configuring Survey Based on Number of Tickets and Time Period
- Building Automation Conditions and Actions for Views, SLAs, and Reports
- Building End-To-End Workflows with Automations