User Management & Team Settings
- Adding New User Accounts for Agents and Admins (Staff)
- Adding Signatures for Your Staff
- Assigning the Owner Role to Another User Account in Kayako
- Assigning User Roles to Your Team and Customers
- Configuring Password Policies
- Configuring Security Login Policies
- Configuring User Registration Options
- Customizing User Roles
- Defining IP Restrictions for Agent Logins
- Delete an Agent in Kayako
- Deleting a User Note via API
- Deleting an Organization Note via API
- Disabling a User Account (Staff or Customer)
- Disabling the Two-Factor Authentication
- Enabling Single Sign-On (SSO) to Log In Using Remote User Authentication
- Error: 'The value of the field is already used for another resource' When Adding a New User
- Exporting Users and Organizations Information Using API
- Getting Help from Beyond Your Support Team with Collaborators
- Grouping Your Staff (Agents) into Teams
- Managing Customer Organizations
- Retrieving Access After Being Locked out from Single Sign On(SSO)
- Retrieving User Activity Logs in Kayako
- Securing Your User Account with Two-Factor Authentication
- Setting Your Team's Business Hours
- Unable to Reset Password via Password Reset Link
- Updating the Email Address, Phone Number, or Twitter Handle of a User Account
- User Cannot Log in to Kayako - Disabled Account